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Beetle killed timber salvage – is it meeting expectations?

A report on the forest industry’s harvesting of beetle-killed timber confirms that industry has been meeting govt’s expectations for concentrating harvesting on dead pine trees, but says the harvest of other kinds of trees is increasing more than expected in some areas of the province.

Forestry auditors eye local scenery

VICTORIA – Forestry auditors will be in the Headwaters Forest District from Aug. 24 to 28 to look at how well six forestry operators are protecting visual quality. The audit area extends from Wells Gray Provincial Park east to the Columbia Mountains and includes the communities of Clearwater, Blue River and Vavenby. Scenic areas within the Yellowhead […]

Appeal decision overturns logging in seabird habitat

VICTORIA – On Nov. 20, the Forest Appeals Commission struck down the Ministry of Forests’ approval of five cutblocks in the Queen Charlotte Islands. The decision keeps alive important options to conserve the old-growth habitat critical for the survival of the marbled murrelet, a threatened species. This area was the primary focus of wildlife inventories […]

Board to Audit Western Forest Products Ltd.

VICTORIA – The Forest Practices Board will audit the forest planning and practices of Western Forest Products Ltd., a wholly owned subsidiary of Doman Industries Ltd., along the west coast of BC, from the Queen Charlotte Islands to Jordan River on southern Vancouver Island. The audit will look at Western Forest Products’ operations on Tree […]

Audit of Forest Planning and Practices: NRFLs A75807, A79504 and A90380 – Chilliwack Natural Resource District NRFLs

As part of its 2019 compliance audit program, the Board selected three non-replaceable forest licences (NRFLs) in the Chilliwack Natural Resource District as a location for a full scope compliance audit. The licences include A75807, A79504 and A90380, held by Ts’elxweyeqw Forestry Limited Partnership, Leq’ A: Mel Forestry Limited Partnership, and Skwah First Nation, respectively. […]