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Rocky Mountain ranchers pass audit

VICTORIA – An audit of five range agreements for grazing cattle in the Rocky Mountain Natural Resource District found that the ranchers met the requirements of the Forest and Range Practices Act, according to a report. “Range practices followed most range-use plan and legal requirements, and protected drinking water quality for downstream water users,” said Kevin Kriese, chair, […]

Forest Practices Board releases audit of Lakes Forest District SBFEP

The Forest Practices Board today released a report on the results of its first audit of a Ministry of Forests Small Business Forest Enterprise Program (SBFEP). The audit examined – an audit of the operational planning for forest management activities approved between January and October 1996 in the Lakes Forest District SBFEP, near Burns Lake, […]

Policy Review Required to Protect Marbled Murrelets

A review of government policy on protecting wildlife habitat and more collaboration between government and industry are needed to protect the threatened marbled murrelet, the Forest Practices Board reported today.

BCTS and timber sale licensees receive clean audits

VICTORIA – Planning and field activities undertaken by the British Columbia Timber Sales (BCTS) Program and timber sale licensees  in the southern portion of the Headwaters Forest District near Clearwater complied with forest practices legislation, according to a Forest Practices Board audit report released today. The audit of the BCTS program and timber sale licensees […]

Government-Approved Logging in Sustut Valley Failed to Comply with Code

Victoria – Two licensees’ forest development plans for logging north of Smithers were incomplete, the public review process was flawed, and government administration and approval of the plans was inadequate, the Forest Practices Board said in a report released today. The report concludes the investigation of a series of complaints from the An Dsap Wilp […]