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Fort St. James Community Forest Audit Finds Issues

VICTORIA – An audit of Community Forest Agreement CFA K1D has found that, while the Fort St. James Community Forest Corporation met many of the requirements of provincial forestry legislation, it also had some problems with operational planning, culvert construction, bridge construction and fire hazard assessments, according to a report released today. “While the auditors […]

Managing Forest Fuels

A 60-year history of fire suppression, insect and tree disease epidemics, and logging practices are all contributing to…

Government Acted Reasonably to Protect Biodiversity on Mount Elphinstone

Victoria – In a report released today, the Forest Practices Board found that the Ministry of Forests’ approval of logging on Mount Elphinstone was reasonable and met Forest Practices Code requirements. The report concludes the investigation of a complaint from two Sunshine Coast residents who were concerned that an approved road and cutblock between Sechelt […]

Audit of Bulkley-area forest operations finds numerous issues

VICTORIA – An audit of the BC Timber Sales Program (BCTS) and timber sale licensees in the Bulkley Timber Supply Area (TSA) portion of the BCTS Babine Business Area found that most operational planning, harvesting and silviculture activities complied with legislation, but there were numerous problems with roads and bridges. The audit found BCTS had […]

Board to audit forestry operations near Kamloops

VICTORIA — The Forest Practices Board will audit the forest practices of West Fraser Mills Ltd. on Forest Licence A18694 in the Kamloops Timber Supply Area, starting July 23, 2012. The audit will look at harvesting, silviculture, protection, road construction, road maintenance and deactivation, and operational planning that took place in the past two years […]