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Mid Coast Audit Reports Harm to Marine and Stream Habitats

Victoria – The forestry operations of the Mid Coast district’s small business forest enterprise program generally complied with Forest Practices Code requirements, says a report released today by the Forest Practices Board. The only significant non-compliance involved harvesting along the marine foreshore and road construction next to a fish-bearing stream. The report concludes the board’s […]

Planned logging in Great Bear Rainforest investigated

VICTORIA – A complaint investigation has found TimberWest is meeting the intent of the Great Bear Rainforest (GBR) land use order for planned logging on East Thurlow Island. Residents of nearby Sonora Island filed the complaint when they became concerned about how TimberWest timber harvesting would affect conservation of old forest and rare and endangered […]

Board to Conduct Fourth Audit on Nisga’a Lands

VICTORIA – The Forest Practices Board will conduct its fourth annual compliance audit of forest planning and practices on Nisga’a lands, beginning July 5. The Nisga’a lands cover about 2,000 square km in the Nass River Valley on both sides of the river about 90 km north of Terrace. The audits will examine compliance with […]

Promoting Sound Forest Management in BC

VICTORIA –The Forest Practices Board’s 2012-13 annual report was released today, and summarizes the Board’s work over the year, as published in 29 reports, as well as highlighting work currently underway. “When the Forest and Range Practices Act was introduced in 2004, it was understood that improvements would be necessary as circumstances changed and we […]

Woodlots near Kaslo and Creston pass forestry audit

VICTORIA – An audit of forestry activities on two woodlots in the Selkirk Natural Resource District concludes that the woodlot licensees complied with B.C.’s forestry legislation, according to a report released today. “These woodlots are a mix of Crown and privately owned land and the woodlot licensees must comply with the Forest and Range Practices […]

Lignum Ltd.’s Forestry Operations Get Clean Audit From Forest Practices Board

VICTORIA – Lignum Ltd.’s operations near 100 Mile House are complying with the Forest Practices Code, according to a Forest Practices Board audit released today. “Lignum’s practices complied with the code in all significant respects,” said board chair Keith Moore. “The audit did not identify any non-compliance in timber harvesting, road maintenance and road deactivation. […]